Monday, 17 March 2008

Top 5 - Ordinary Super Powers

After recently being amazed by the ability of Gervorama to recall some-time TV celebrities from circa. 2000 I started wondering what the best normal or ordinary Super Powers would be. Im not talking about flying or invisibility, but skills and abilities that do exist that can amaze / are 'super' impressive.

So here we go:
5) Name that tune. Similar to 3, but slightly less useful. Kind of a 'nice to have'.
4) Reach. A little bit biased here, but being able to reach things easily that are SO high on the shelf, pffff, genius. A close winner over being able to kick a ball a REALLY long way.
3) Trivia. Really helpful at quiz nights, answering those annoying questions that everyone knows the answer to but cant think of, and coversations starters/killers (depending on who you are talking to).
2) Multilingual. Ever been to a restaurant in which the waiter starts yammering away at you in something you have no idea of and then one of your friends just nods and yammers something back? Not only does it have the 'wow'/'super' effect, but is also damn handy.
1) Direction. Imagine never getting lost and always knowing where things are, at least in a round-about way? That would be super.

Thoughts? Comments?

Up next, worst super powers...

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