Thursday, 6 June 2013

Thought of the Day: David Gower uses a solarium

With this years Ashes series only months away from beginning, the usual media hullabaloo (I just spell checked it, 'hullabaloo' is actually a word) kicked off this week with former English Captain David Gower criticising Australia and Australian cricket fans.

In his interview with Radio Times magazine, Gower stated that Australia doesn't have any culture and that Australian fans are feral, both of which statements infer that Mr Gower certainly doesn't get his lovely tan from living in a glass house.
The very tanned David Gower, pictured here with his culture.
Photo courtesy of
One doesn't need to look too far to see how impressive, or unimpressive, English culture can be.  Indeed, for a country that has been on the descendency since the fall of the colonies, one really can't say too much about the culture that its contemporary society is built on.

Even Dickens recognised this & idolised Australia as a place of new beginnings in "Great Expectations", long before the ten-pound pom scheme and (more recently) the great waves of English migrating to Australia for a better life.
OK, maybe a bad example
Further, the English cricket fans aren't exactly known for being the most refined of people, not that this is to excuse Australian fans, but you won't exactly find any Australian commentators throwing stones while YouTube exists.

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