Friday, 25 July 2008

Top 5: Misconstrued words/names

I was recently talking to someone who was interested in my course and they happened to say "Oh! It's an Adult Education course", which took me back a little.

Am I the only one that things there is something possibly smutty in that? Have I become a victim of our highly politically correct times?

If so, here are a couple of gems that could be misconstrued to the speakers detriment:
5) "Adult Education": Night-school makes it sound no better.
4) "Brown": Its an innocent colour right? Right?
3) "Hang on, my pocket is vibrating": When did this become an innocent statement in the middle of a conversation?
2) "That's quite a mouthful": This list is getting dubious
1) "Come again?": OK, Ive had enough, this is becoming an episode of Graham Norton.

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