Thursday, 24 July 2008

Conspiracy Theorists: Know your place

A little while ago I wrote about conspiracy theorists thinking too much of man-kind and its ability to execute complicated, and even simple, plans.

After a recent encounter at work, Ive now decided that conspiracy theorists probably just think too much of themselves.

This encounter involved myself and a lady from accounts at the coffee machine, which seemed to be out of milk. I tried to open the compartment which houses the milk, though it was locked.
"I wonder why someone would lock the milk up?" I asked aloud
"Well, you could put poison in it!" the woman responded in all seriousness.

This caused me to stop for a moment and ponder why I would want to poison my lactose-friendly colleagues in particular, before I started pondering why I was giving this womans statement far more attention than it deserved, and then started wondering why she hadnt been hit by a bus or come to some sort of end that befalls stupid animals.

Regardless, this interaction can show how people with too little brains can make themselves feel important by adding gravity to a harmless situation.

"But you can't base your theory on one example!" I hear you yell, and you're right. So take Mel Gibson. Sure, he has made some good movies, but the guy obviously isnt the full quid.

His drunken rant about the Jews white-anting the Catholic church is a pretty good example of this, despite the Church not always seeming the vestibule of faith that it should be. The church hasn't sold out to the evil Zionists, it's just another really greedy organisation that preys on the weak.

All this ranting is making me thirsty, its time for a capuccino...

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