Saturday, 26 February 2011

Thought of the Day: The Empire's problem? Poor Prioritisation

Photo courtesy of Wookipedia.

While re-visiting Star Wars Episode 3 the other day, the last one of the new ones that comes before the oldest one of the old ones, I noticed that the Empire had started work on the Death Star before the movie even finished.

The other thing I noticed was that everyone working on the starship that the Emporer and Vadar were hanging out on were already in uniform.

Now, given that the Empire had been in existence for about 10 minutes at that stage of the movie; where did they get all these uniforms from? Did they have tailors working undercover, sizing prospective employees up for an as-yet non-existent army?

And if so, why did they focus so much on uniforms, rather than the Death Star? Surely having the 'ultimate power in the galaxy' would be more important than looking nice, or am I missing the point?

Thinking about the films in order, I realised that the Death Star actually took another 20 years to become fully armed and operational from the time that the uniforms were used, while the second Death Star took about 5 years to build after the first was destroyed.

Again, by focussing on their attire, the Empire seems to have really shot themselves in the foot in regards to achieving their goals.

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