Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Thought of the Day: Slail

The English seem to have a unique relationship to the weather, it is the cornerstone of all conversations and, it seems, many relationships.

As such, it is much monitored and defined, with its various forms given their own names.
For example:
  • Rain is the wet stuff that falls from clouds;
  • Hail is the hard, frozen rain that falls from clouds;
  • Snow is the soft, frozen rain that falls from clouds; and
  • Sleet is somewhere between rain and hail.

So while walking along The Poultry on saturday I was faced with something between Sleet and Hail, not knowing what it was and not having an Englishman on hand to ask, I named it Slail (patent pending). Please refer any Slail related queries to this site in future.

Good day.

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