Thursday, 6 March 2008

Overrated Countries - further updates!

You know that feeling you get when you purchase something, and then notice that everyone seems to have it too?

A friend of mine once bought a Volvo and then noticed how many others there were on the road, which eventually led to a sense of pride and community in my friend, who soon started giving the 'V' (victory, not the other) sign to fellow Volvo drivers.

This was his undoing though, as he was so busy giving the salute that he managed to wrap the Volvo around a tree.

But back to my point as since I first wrote about Overrated Countries, specifically Italy, Ive been seeing more signs of its decline everywhere. This time, in the normally people friendly Guardian!

Come on Italy, even the tree-huggers are against you, act quick before you find your Vespa wrapped around a tree. At the very least, maybe learn to recycle?

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