Sunday, 14 September 2008

Top 5: Oddities about 'Land down under'

Following on from my previous post, I am still 'house sitting' in a Yoga retreat in Greece, busying myself with the gardening and 'sitting on the beach' requirements. Ive also spent quite a bit of time studying, as I have an exam I am flying back to London for in approximately 3 weeks.

I usually spend my time studying in the lounge room, which is a big room that has yoga mats on the floor (no lounge chairs or tables, thank you), that 'Land down under' by Men at Work came on the radio.

As if my situation wasn't strange enough, suddenly I had ecclectic Australian pop from the early eighties to deal with!

Being in a contemplative place though, I started to think about the song in greater detail, which leads me to my top 5 thoughts regarding it:
5) Use of flute
Where on earth did they get the idea to use a flute from? And where else has it been used (within pop music) so successfully? Reminds me of the use of the Xylophone in 'under my thumb' by the Rolling Stones, though could be even better...

4) It went to number #1
OK, its a catchy tune, but how the hell did it go to number one on the charts? Did all the other artists forget to make records in 1983?

3) Why is this big-guy in Brussels giving out free sandwiches?
Is it some strange flemish tradition to answer questions through the medium of food?

2) Why does the song advocate running and taking cover?
Surely Australians aren't that dangerous? Or were the band warning us about the release of their next album? "Who could it be now" was actually a pretty good song.

1) Come to think of it, what the hell is this song about?
Drug-induced back-packing and loss of identity?
Not sure, time to change radio stations.

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