Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Top 5: things to say in a Kiwi accent

Some people might find this hard to understand, but I find the Kiwi accent to be either hilarious or endearing. I once worked in market research and had to spend a lot of time calling people in New Zealand, I dont think Ive ever had so much job satisfaction though my research certainly suffered due to my inability to laugh and work at the same time.

Now, I know many people cant tell the difference between Australian and Kiwi accents, but well, get stuffed if you cant. Seriously.

For those who dont know what Im talking about, its all in the vowels and their delivery which moves between protestant politeisms and back-row bullishness.

Anyway, my current lack of Kiwi interaction has led me to start creating expressions / sentences that I think sound funny so here are the top 5:
5) Six eggs
4) Power nap
3) Chilly bin
2) Guns 'r Roses are cool
1) Where's the fridge? Oh, theyre it is!

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